The Transcript Summary tool features five specific summarization methods that are applicable to transcripts only: general summary; narrative summary; page line summary; topical summary and Q&A summary.

General summary

General summary will provide a summary of the complete transcript text in approximately 600 words. The results are returned as a selection of highlighted points or topics, with relevant page numbers listed below each topic. Clicking on the page number will open the transcript on that page with the relevant text highlighted.

Narrative summary

A narrative summary provides the story of what happened according to the testimony in the transcript. It connects the facts and testimonies into an account that can be easily read through as an overall story of the relevant events. The results are returned as a selection of points or events, with relevant page numbers listed below each point. Clicking on the page number will open the transcript on that page with the relevant text highlighted.

Page line summary

Page line summaries give a brief description of one particular event and provides the page and lines in which this event occurs in the transcript. It allows users to quickly skim a transcript to find where relevant statements or events take place. The results are returned as individual brief paragraphs with relevant page numbers listed below each paragraph. Clicking on the page number will open the transcript on that page with the relevant text highlighted.

Topical summary

A topical summary clusters deposition testimony into distinct topics or themes relevant to the litigation. This will allow teams to home in on specific aspects of a case that are deemed relevant. The results are returned as paragraphs of individual topics, with a brief summary and explanation. Relevant page numbers in the transcript are listed below each paragraph. Clicking on the page number will open the transcript on that page with the relevant text highlighted.

Q&A summary

A Q&A summary presents the deposition in a simple question and answer structure, mirroring the flow of the original transcript. This allows you to analyze the witness testimony within the context of the questioning. Results are returned as brief question and answer pairs. Relevant page numbers in the transcript are listed below each pair. Clicking on the page number will open the transcript on that page with the relevant text highlighted.