Worksheet fields can be seen as the building blocks all worksheets are assembled from. Any combination of fields can be configured to create a worksheet. In the worksheet, data in each field makes up a component of a record. 



Data type field 


Short text 

Used for inputting short alphanumeric values.  

By default, the maximum character value is 40. The default value can be changed. If values higher than 200 characters are likely to be input, it is recommended to use a field of type multi line text instead. 

An optional initial value can also be configured for this field type.  


For use cases where longer pieces of text are necessary, such as descriptions, summaries and explanations.  

By default, the maximum character value is 500. The default value can be changed, there is no upper limit to the number of characters that can be configured.  

The number of editor lines is set to 10 by default. This determines the number of lines in, and therefore the size of, the text input box. The number of editor lines can be changed, there is no upper limit to the number of editor lines that can be configured. 

The multi-line field can be configured to allow for rich text editing 


Used for inputting hyperlinks to external content. Links will open in a separate tab by default. 

If you want to limit hyperlinks to one specific target site, an optional base path can be configured in the field settings. This will make the initial URL path immutable when entering data and allow users to input only the final slug of the URL. 

The hyperlink field contains two fields when data is entered, one for the URL and an optional field for text to display. The ‘text to display’ option, if used, will present the hyperlink as a readable text link. 


Used for specifying data of type email address. The field can be configured to enable email sending. If this is enabled, the email is stored as a ‘mailto’ link. When clicked on, the users default email application will open with a new mail option containing the relevant email address.  

If the field is not configured for email sending the data input will be presented as plain text, but a validity check will still be run on the data to ensure it is a valid email. 


For use cases where a short alphanumeric code is required. The field can be configured with an optional prefix. If a prefix is included, this will be added to the start of all codes followed by a hyphen.  

There is no character limit set for the shortcode field type. 


Used for numeric values. Data in this field type is available for charting and data visualization if the ‘data tables and charts’ feature is enabled. 

The field can be configured to allow for a limited number range. If this is enabled, minimum and maximum values must be specified. 

Sequence number 

Used for auto-numbering records. No data is input on record creation for this field type, records are numbered according to date created. The first number in the sequence is 1.  

The sequence number field can be configured with an optional prefix. If a prefix is included, this will be added to the start of all codes followed by a hyphen. 


Used for numeric currency values. Data in this field type is available for charting and data visualization if the ‘data tables and charts’ feature is enabled.  


The currency field can be configured to allow for inputting multiple currencies. 

If a single currency is configured, data will be displayed with the relevant currency symbol (if available). 


If multiple currencies are configured, data will be displayed with the relevant currency shortcode in letters, to avoid confusion where multiple currencies use the same symbol. 

When configuring the field for multiple currencies, two options are available:  

  • allow any currency will provide users with a complete list of currencies to choose from on record creation 

  • on configuration, specific currencies can be selected. Only these currencies will be made available to users as options on record creation 


It is also possible to specify a default currency for projects. For further information about this, please refer to the section on project administration. 


For use cases where worksheet records should be manually ordered using a drag-and-drop mechanism. The field allocates a numeric value to each record that is automatically updated as the record is moved in the worksheet sorting order.  


For further information about the Rank field type, please refer to the section on Sorting worksheet records. 

Custom ID 



Used for defined single option values. Data in this field type is available for charting and data visualization if the ‘data tables and charts’ feature is enabled. 

Choice options must be defined with a title and an optional color. These will be made available to users when creating records.  

When configuring the choice field type, the following options are available: 

  • initial value. Defines a specific option as the value for any new record, unless a different option is selected 

  • allow empty selectionAdds an option titled ‘None’ to the list of available choices 

  • use as background color. Creates a highlight across the full record in the worksheet, taking the color specified for the relevant option. 

  • pick from external list. For use cases where large numbers of choice options are needed, a list of options can be uploaded onto the environment in csv format and used as the source for available optionsNo color option is available when using a source list 


Used for defined multiple option values. Choice options must be defined with a title. No color or initial value can be defined for multiple choice field types. 


Used for tagging records with options taken from the project-wide tag management. 

For further information about tags, please refer to the section on Tags. 

When configuring the tags field type, the following options are available: 

  • allow all tags 

  • only allow one specific tag branch 


Support choices where values are not known in advance or may need to be extended when creating records. Users populating records can select from existing values or add new ones. 


A color for each entry by hexadecimal or RGBA color picker. An initial color can optionally be set as default. 


An icon for each entry from a native list of graphic icons. 


Boolean values can be selected or not-selected by default. They are displayed with a 'tick' for a true value and a 'cross' for a false value. 


Choice of user to be added from a list of users already attached to the project. 

Multiple users 

More than one users to be added from a list of users already attached to the project. 


A specific date or range of dates to be added to a record. Options available in the following: 

  • allow partial dates 

  • include time as well as date 

  • include timezone 

  • allow periods 

  • allow ranges 

  • initialise with current date (time) 

  • add the current timezone when adding a record 


A specific time to be added to a record. On entry users can choose to provide the time in 24-hour format or am/pm format. 


Images are uploaded for each individual data entry. Image cropping may be square, round or none. The maximum image size that Opus2 Platform can accept is 4MB. The maximum image dimensions are 3000px x 3000px. Images that exceed these dimensions will have to be resized and scaled down before they can be uploaded to the system. 


Creation of a link to a document within the current project.  

Multiple documents 

Creation of a link to multiple documents within the current project. 

Text in a document 

Smaller excerpts of text to be extracted from a document and displayed in a worksheet record. If a worksheet with a 'text in a document' field exists in a project, when text in a document is highlighted in the document viewer, a new record can be added to the worksheet directly from the document viewer and will be displayed as an annotation in the document viewer's right hand side panel. The field can be set to be used as a bookmark, which will add a bookmark in the left hand side document viewer panel if used. 


The field can be applied to transcripts, with two annotation styles. Highlight functions in the same way as highlighting text in a document. Bracket style displays the start and end time of the highlighted text, and can be used to display time-specific media clips if there are media files associated with the transcript. 


Creation of link to one folder within the project and opened directly from within a worksheet.  

Multiple folders 

Creation of link to several folders within the project and opened directly from within a worksheet.  


Creation of a link to an existing collection within the project. 

Derived field   

Metadata from a document set from either a 'document' or 'text in a document' field within the same worksheet to be set as a separate field in a record. A derived field is applied automatically from this other field in the record when the document is linked and cannot be separately edited.