Users can share documents with a folder structure with portal users. 

Users have the following options to configure the component:

HeadingThe heading text of the 'documents page' component. It can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Heading background colorThe color of heading background color can be chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
Heading text sizeThe heading text can be sized between 12px and 72px.
Heading text colorThe color of heading text can be chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
Folders to displayThe folders that wish to share with portal users. Folders must be created in the platform in order to be presented as an option in the field. 
Visible columnsAll metadata are available for selection. Users can choose metadata that wish to share with the portal users. If columns are not selected, documents will not be able to display.
Folders to upload into Documents page component allows portal users to upload documents to the platform. The folder location has to be indicated to place the uploaded documents. If no folder location is selected, the uploaded document will be saved in the 'Upload' folder of the platform.
Allow user to change folderThis allows portal users to change where the uploaded folder will be placed.
Actions available The actions that portal users can apply to the documents, which include delete, download origin and download as PDF.
HeightThe display area of the portal page can be chosen from fit to content, at least half a page or at least a full page. 

Display example of 'documents page' component:

Portal users have to click on the folder to view the documents within it. If there is no document in the parent folder, no documents will be shown.