Release types

  • (GA) - The feature is Generally Available and visible in the product to users (depending on their role).  
  • (GA – config) - The feature is Generally Available, but templates and existing projects must be configured before it can be put to use.
  • (GA – feature) - The feature is Generally Available, but only if switched on by an Opus 2 operator. Only some solutions are expected to use the feature. Commercial add-ons also come under this category and will only be enabled for clients who have purchased them.
  • (GA – feature and config) – The feature is Generally Available but only if switched on by an Opus 2 operator. Only some solutions are expected to use the feature. Once switched on, it will require configuration of the template and existing projects before the feature can be used.

Improvements to document export handling for PDF format

Major work has been undertaken to improve the platform's ability to handle exports of large document sets in PDF format. Collections of documents can now be exported as single pdf files of up to 11GB.

Office Integration (GA - feature and config)

A new feature has been developed to allow editable document files such as docx. and pptx. to be opened in the associated office program directly from platform. This requires an Opus2 desktop integration application to be installed on the user's computer and the feature to be enabled. Currently supported for Windows PCs.

New capability: 'See duplicate metadata' (GA)▶️

The previous release contained a number of improvements to indicate whether documents being uploaded were duplicates. Duplicates are now indicated even if they have been restricted from view for certain users or groups. For this reason, it may be preferable that not all user roles should have the ability to see duplicate information in a project. The new capability, 'See duplicate metadata', allows administrators to configure which roles can see all duplicates in a project, irrespective of restrictions.

Duplicates metadata field on Files and Documents (GA)

A ‘Duplicates’ column is now shown on the Files page and the Documents page. This field shows whether a document has exact duplicates present in the project and also indicates the principal document for that group of duplicates.

Set principal file on Files page (GA)▶️

Duplicates are indicated on the files page with the first file uploaded within a duplicate group identified as the principal file. This change allows a user with access to the Files page to declare a different file within the group as the principal file.

Links metadata field on Documents page includes multiple document field (GA)▶️

The 'Links' system metadata field on the Document page shows related content for each document - such as worksheets where that document is referenced. Now, documents referenced in a worksheet’s multiple document field will show that reference in the document’s ‘Links’ column.  

Cancel active batches within upload history (GA)▶️

Within upload history, users can now cancel a batch in progress and prevent any further processing of documents within that batch.

Export error list during data import (GA)▶️

Users are now able to export a list of errors when importing CSV or XLSX spreadsheet data for document metadata, worksheets, or system user imports. This export provides a list of errors that identifies invalid data and allows users to investigate the issues offline before re-attempting import.

Grouping of notification rules (GA – feature)

Where a single user generates multiple notifications for the same action in quick succession,  those notifications will now be grouped and summarised in a single email to avoid an excessive number of emails.

Combine conditions in a notification rule (GA – feature)

Additional conditions can now be added to a notification rule to exclude certain states from generating a notification. For example, if a record's choice field status has been moved to 'closed, then date-based notifications are suspended. 

Export designation clips with captions from MDB transcripts (GA – feature)▶️

It is now possible to export designation clips with captions embedded in the video file. This requires an MDB transcript with synchronised video.

Configuration of 'word' values in text in a transcript field (GA – feature)▶️

It is now optional to display the designation 'word' values for 'text in a transcript' type fields - in this case only 'page' and 'line' values are shown.

Support for additional designation formats when importing into a text in a transcript field (GA – feature)▶️

Previously designation imports only supported 'start page:start line:start word - end page:end line:end word' format. A new ‘Range’ field can be selected during designation import which allows the following formats to be imported into the text in a transcript field: 'start page:start line - end page:end line' and 'start page:start line - end line'.

Show page:line:word values when a text in a transcript field is also applicable to documents (GA – feature)▶️

Page:line:word values for transcript designations are now displayed and are configurable when the text in a document field is applicable to both documents and transcripts.

Pull linked documents from a text in a document/transcript field (GA – feature)▶️

Where a worksheet contains a text in a document or a text in a transcript field, users can now populate all referenced documents in another field, such as a document field, on the same worksheet.

Separate 'Manage worksheets' from 'Import/export worksheets' user capabilities (GA)

These two user capabilities have been separated so that users can now import and export worksheet data without being granted permissions to edit the structure of the worksheet.

Upload in progress indicator and estimated time to complete

There is now an in progress indicator on the Documents page when upload batches are currently being processed. Clicking on this indicator will take the user to the Upload history page for additional information, including an estimated time to complete.

Recommended actions for failed uploads

Where uploaded files have failed processing, recommended actions are now available on the Files page and the Upload history page to inform users how to troubleshoot the issue.