Users can configure an 'Upload' component which allows portal users to upload documents that wish to share with the legal team. Users can create a folder and set the folder location to store shared documents in the platform. 

Users have the following options to configure the component:

HeadingThe header text of the 'upload' component. It can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Button labelThe text that displays on the 'upload' button. It can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Heading background colorThe color of heading background can be chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
Heading text sizeThe header text can be sized between 12px and 72px.
Heading text colorThe color of heading text can be chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
Folder to upload intoThis is a compulsory field that users must select the folder location where documents will be stored in the platform. A folder must be created in the platform in order to be presented as an option in the field. 
Allow user to change folderEnable the option will allow portal users to select the folder location to store the uploaded documents. The best practice is to unable the option to prevent confusion.
Button formatButton format can display as the following options: as a button, a large button, a card or an image. 
Background colorA background color to the text block can be chosen from either the theme background, white, site's primary or secondary color; or a custom color chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
Content alignmentThe distribution of space between and around content can be chosen from left, centered or right.

Display example of 'upload' component:

When portal users click on the 'upload' button, an 'upload document' dialogue box will appear.

The folder location indicates the location of the shared documents once they are uploaded. Portal users can drag and drop the files or browse for files to select documents that wish to share. There is an option to 'unpack zip archives' if certain amount of documents will be uploaded.