Links to documents as a whole or to specific passages within a document can be made when annotating using the 'Link to...' tool.
Linking to a document.
Step 1: From within the document viewer, use your mouse to select a passage or part of the document you want to link from. In the pop-up below the selection, use the three-dot icon to select 'Link to...'.
The pop-up below your annotation will display the last annotation option you have selected. Selecting the three-dot icon will list out all annotation options available.
The 'Link to' tool can be used with any of the three annotation types.
Step 2: Within the 'Select document' dialogue, navigate to the document you want to link to, click on the document row to select it and then click 'Select'.
You can use the 'Find' and 'More' filter to more quickly navigate to the required document.
Step 3: The selected document will open in a preview window at the first page. From here you can navigate to whichever page you want to create the link to and then select 'Link to page' from the toolbar at the top. The document preview will close and the original passage will be hyperlinked to the document and underlined in blue, with a box appearing in the right panel detailing what document and what page the link is directed to. Clicking on the underlined text will bring up the document that has been linked to at the relevant page.
If your original annotation was made with the rectangle selection tool, you will end up with a box over the region of the page and the link will be accessible by selecting the annotation number to the top right of the box.
Linking to text within a document.
Step 1: From within the document viewer, use your mouse to select a passage or part of the document you want to link from. In the pop-up below the selection, use the three-dot icon to select 'Link to...'.
The pop-up below your annotation will display the last annotation option you have selected. Selecting the three-dot icon will list out all annotation options available.
The 'Link to' tool can be used with any of the three annotation types.
Step 2: Within the 'Select document' dialogue, navigate to the document you want to link to, click on the document row to select it and then click 'Select'.
You can use the 'Find' and 'More' filter to more quickly navigate to the required document.
Step 3: The selected document will open in a preview window at the first page. From here you can navigate to whichever passage you want to link to. Using your mouse, annotate the passage and click apply to create the link. The document preview will close and the original passage will be hyperlinked to the document and underlined in blue, with a box appearing in the right panel detailing what document and what page the link is directed to. Clicking on the underlined text will bring up the document that has been linked to at the relevant passage that has been selected.
If your original annotation was made with the rectangle selection tool, you will end up with a box over the region of the page and the link will be accessible by selecting the annotation number to the top right of the box.