Worksheet properties refers to the primary settings of the worksheet in terms of display and access. 




Worksheet name 

Mandatory field. Max character length is 30. 

Record name 

Refers to the name of the individual records created for each new row in the worksheet. It is auto generated based on the worksheet name, but can be changed. 
As an example, if a new worksheet is created with the name 'Employees', the record name will be auto generated with the word 'Employee'. References to the record within the worksheet will refer to 'Employee' - for instance the '+Add' button to create a new record will be labelled 'Add new Employee'. 
The record name could be manually changed to 'Staff member', in which case all references to individual records in the worksheet would now be referring to 'Staff member' instead. The name of the main worksheet will remain 'Employees' in this case. 

Also known as 

Creates an alias for the main worksheet name. If the worksheet has a remote record field type in it, this name will be referenced in places where the worksheet is the origin of any remotely connected record. 

API key 

Can be left blank. Creates an API key that can be used by applications that require access to the worksheet data from a remote source. 

Show worksheet in main menu 

Allows the worksheet to become an individual menu tab in the main project menu. The default placement is to the left of the main 'Worksheets' tab. If several worksheets are pinned to the main menu, they will appear alphabetically by default, but can be manually rearranged. 

Icon and color 

Optional identifiers for the worksheet, if a color and icon are chosen, these will be displayed in the worksheet drop down menu, or main menu if the worksheet is pinned. 

Fixed columns 

Allows for a selected number of columns on the left hand side of the worksheet to stay fixed when scrolling horizontally. It is not possible to choose which columns should stay fixed here, only the number, counting from left to right. If specific columns should be fixed, these need to be ordered in the 'Fields' section of the worksheet configuration dialog to ensure the relevant columns are displayed first. 

Primary sort 

Creates a default sort order based on a chosen data field. If none is chosen, records will be sorted based on date added. 
Primary sort creates an initial sort order, but this can be changed at any time by individual users when working with the worksheet.  

Edit access when creating and editing 

If switched on, this adds a field, 'Share with' to the 'Add record' dialog that appears when any project user clicks to add a new record to this worksheet 

The ‘Share with’ field specifies who should have access to the record. Default access is given to 'All project users', but can be set to any user, users, group or groups that have access to the project.  


If ‘Edit access when creating and editing’ is toggled off, new records will be available to all project users.