Worksheet data can be displayed, filtered and sorted according to user preferencesSome display settings are only available to individual users, others can be saved as named views or named filters and subsequently shared with other project users.  


Worksheet rows and columns display 


In the top left-hand corner of each worksheet, there are three options related to worksheet row and column display.  

The first, fixed row heightsets the same height for each row in the worksheet. If content inside a cell does not fit within the set height it will be hidden from view. 

The second, fit rows to content, sets the height of each row according to the content contained within the cells. This setting will cause different rows to be of varying heights. 

The third optionthe column selector, opens a dialog listing every field in the worksheet. If any of these fields are unselected, they will be removed from view in the main worksheet. 

Expanding linked worksheet fields 


The column selector dialog also allows the user to expand the worksheet display to include fields from subtypes and remotely linked worksheets. Only one selection may be expanded at any time. 

If a linked subtype or remote worksheet has been expanded in the main worksheet, the field containing the linked records will be automatically moved to the end (the furthest-right column) of the worksheet and the linked fields will be displayed after this, with the field name highlighted in pink to indicate that they are expanded fields rather than main worksheet fields. Cells in expanded fields that contain data are also shaded pink, whereas cells that do not contain data are shaded gray. 

When a field of type multiple sub-records or multiple remote records has been expanded in the worksheet view, if the parent record links more than one recordeach linked record will create a new row in the worksheet. To indicate that the row is a linked record that has been expanded rather than missing content, the full row in the worksheet is shaded gray. 

Pagination and records on display 

In the top right-hand side of every worksheet, there is a pagination and record display indicator which displays the number of pages in the worksheet, the number of records displayed per page, the number of records currently filtered in the worksheet and the total number of records in the worksheet. 


The page indicator refers to which page the user is currently on, in relation to the total number of pages in the worksheet. In the above example, the user is looking at page 3 out of 4 pages. 

The records per page drop down indicates the number of records displayed on each page. This can be manually changed by the individual user. Available options are 50; 100; 200; 500 and 1000 records per page.  

The first number in the record display indicator shows the number of records currently filtered in the worksheet. It is not related to the number of visible records on the page but to the total number of records available in the worksheet after applying any filters. This number will change depending on which filters are applied. If no filters are applied the number is the same as the total number of records in the worksheet. 

The second number indicates the total number of records in the worksheet. This number changes only when records are added or deleted. 

Finding worksheet records 

If some part of the record or records that the user wants to find is known, it is possible to use the ‘Find’ box in the top left-hand side of the worksheetThis matches a string of characters or numbers to data in all worksheet fields available for display. 

This means data in worksheet fields hidden from view by the column selector will still be searched, and data in these hidden columns will be included in the search filter. 

Records on all pages, not just the current page, are also included when using the ‘Find’ filter. 

Any records that have been filtered out by an applied filter will not be included. 

The ‘Find’ box is intended as a quick action to locate a few specific records. For that reason, records that have been filtered using the ‘Find’ search box cannot be saved for future view.  

Filtering on worksheet records 

Filtering on worksheet records allows users to select one or more data fields and apply a filter to the specific data in that field. The options available when configuring the filter will depend on the field data type.  

Using a filter is different from using the ‘Find box in that it does not just search the worksheet for matching text but can be used to target specific types of data. For instance, users can choose to target one specific choice from a list in a choice field or look for numbers that fall within a specified range in a currency field. 

A new filter is created by clicking the +New filter button on the worksheet menu. This opens a drop-down menu with the name of each field that has been configured for the worksheet. This includes remote fields and subtypes. 

To view existing filters, the ‘Filter’ button has a drop-down menu containing any saved filters. This includes filters that have been saved by other users and shared. 

Worksheet data fields and document properties are filtered according to the same logic and use the same behavior. For that reason, for a comprehensive overview of how to use filters in Opus 2, please refer to [Filtering project content] in the Projects section of this knowledge base. 

The ‘Manage worksheets’ panel 

In addition to display options for individual worksheets, you can also organize the display of multiple worksheets using the ‘manage worksheets’ panel. This simply allows you to decide the order of worksheets in the top project menu, if the worksheet has been pinned to the menu, or the order of worksheets in the worksheet drop down menu for those that are not pinned.  

By default, worksheets are listed alphabetically – to change this order, simply drag and drop the worksheets in the ‘manage worksheets’ list to the position they should be in. Changing the display order of worksheets will affect the order of both pinned and unpinned worksheets. For pinned worksheets, the order will be displayed from left to right, whereas for unpinned worksheets they will be displayed in descending order.