To edit a document using Microsoft Office integration, select it from the Documents page in Opus2 platform, and from the preview pane on the right of the screen press Edit:

This will launch the Desktop Connect app and simultaneously open the document in its native Microsoft Office application.

When the required editing has been completed save and then close the document and a new version of it will be published in Opus2 Platform.

Upon saving and closing the document it will be re-processed within the platform which may result in a brief delay in its availability.

Details of the new version can be viewed in the document preview pane using the Versions tab:

After opening a MS Office document, make a small edit and then save the document before continuing your work. This will cause the document to be saved as a draft in Opus2 Platform. Details can be viewed in the Versions tab of the document preview pane:

If another user selects the same document the preview pane will contain a message that there is a new draft version (see below). This will help avoid two or more users simultaneously editing the same document, with only the user who saves and closes the document first having their changes retained.

A user can click on review drafts from within the message to see who is currently editing the document.