Release types

  • (GA) - The feature is Generally Available and visible in the product to users (depending on their role).  
  • (GA – config) - The feature is Generally Available, but templates and existing projects must be configured before it can be put to use.
  • (GA – feature) - The feature is Generally Available, but only if switched on by an Opus 2 operator. Only some solutions are expected to use the feature. Commercial add-ons also come under this category and will only be enabled for clients who have purchased them.
  • (GA – feature & config) – The feature is Generally Available but only if switched on by an Opus 2 operator. Only some solutions are expected to use the feature. Once switched on, it will require configuration of the template and existing projects before the feature can be used.

New features

Notifications  ▶️ 

Work is now complete on the first stage of the Opus 2 Notifications feature. This allows an administrator to configure a set of rules for specific events that may trigger a notification to be sent to a selected group of users. The notifications feature is highly configurable - rules may be created for the addition and movement of individual documents, and the creation and editing of records in individual worksheets. Optional email subject and body text may be added to any notification rule.

Transcript context lines  ▶️

A major improvement to transcript management has been completed to allow for user-determined context lines to be displayed before and after a highlighted section of a transcript. In various parts of Opus 2 where a highlighted transcript excerpt may be displayed, such as a worksheet record or a details card, context lines may be added to give more contextual meaning to the highlighted text without this context forming part of the actual highlight.

Worksheets for project metadata  ▶️

A new option has been added when configuring a new worksheet to allow for this worksheet to function as a repository for project-specific properties. The worksheet can be configured the standard way using available metadata fields to allow for detailed information about individual projects to be displayed. The worksheet will only contain one record once set up, and will not be displayed in the standard worksheet menu. Instead a new dashboard widget has been created to allow for the display of project specific metadata.


Relativity integration now supports documents in jpeg as well as tiff (GA)

An improvement has been made to the Opus 2 - Relativity connector to allow complete production sets to be transferred directly into Opus 2 from Relativity. Previously, only tiff files were included in the transfer, which would sometimes result in an incomplete production set.

Stamp configuration now includes option to apply to front page only (GA - config). ▶️

When configuring a Stamp, it is now possible to specify that the stamp should be applied to the first page of a document only. Previously this step would have needed to be specified on application to each individual document, so this removes a repetitive step for any stamps that are likely to only ever need to be applied to a first page. The configuration may be overridden on application to an individual document to make the stamp appear on all pages of the document.

New view mode for worksheets: 'List' (GA)  ▶️

The 'Display' drop down menu on a Worksheet now has a new option: 'List'. When viewing a Worksheet in this mode, each record is displayed in a scrollable list via card format. This allows a user to quickly look through specific information, depending on the configuration of the card.

Ability to choose upload folder for input form, document and worksheet component in Portals (GA - config)  ▶️

When configuring a portal page with a component that allows for document upload, it is now possible to specify which folder the relevant document should be uploaded to. Administrators may also choose to allow or disallow the creation of subfolders on upload, and allow or disallow the user to manually change the upload folder

Ability to set default upload location when uploading a transcript (GA)  ▶️

The transcripts upload process now mirrors the documents upload process in allowing a user to choose which folder the transcript should be uploaded into. Previously this would be uploaded to the system 'Uploads' folder and have to be manually moved into different folder once processing of the file was completed.

New document metadata field: 'Folder path' (GA - Config)  ▶️

A new metadata field has been added as an option when configuring the documents page, 'Folder path'. This field shows the full path of a document's position, from the 'Home' folder to the current folder in which the document is situated.

Improved handling of duplicate or near match aliases in the Autolink tool (GA)

When using the autolink tool, in a list of returned matches if a match has already been returned by another alias of that document, any subsequent matches for the same document will be filtered out to avoid making duplicate links.

Transcript media downloading (GA)  ▶️

It is now possible to download any media file that has been processed and linked to a transcript file in Opus 2.

Quick actions available on the transcript viewer (GA - Config)  ▶️

The quick actions feature that was previously only available for documents has now been added to the transcript viewer. Quick actions allows an individual user to define specific parameters for their highlights and notes and add these with a one-click action without having to repeatedly fill in the same information for multiple highlights.

Subtypes available as a target for derived fields (GA)

Further improvements to the flexibility of worksheet configuration options have been implemented with the ability to include data fields in a subtype when setting up a derived data field in a main worksheet.

Autogeneration of API keys for worksheet data fields (GA - Config)

Whenever a new worksheet data field is created, the user has the option of defining an API key for the field. Previously if the user did not define one, the field would be left blank, but now an API key gets autogenerated based on a string of letters from the field's name. All API keys generated are unique.

Improved duration logic for designations containing lines without timecodes (GA)

Any highlights made on transcript text without timecodes will now take the duration value of the highlight from the first or last timecode in the range to give a more accurate duration value for any highlight. If a highlight is created that has no timecode values across the whole highlight, then there will be no duration value in the text in a document field.

Ability to see document metadata details in preview window (GA)  ▶️

The document preview window has a tab, 'details' added to it, which allows a user to see the metadata for that specific document without having to enter the full document viewer or the documents page.

Number field available as Principal ID (GA)  ▶️

When configuring a worksheet, fields of type 'number' are now available to be configured as a principal ID. This will allow data in the number field to show wherever records are displayed outwith the worksheet table it is associate with, such as when picking records for a remotely linked worksheet.

Viewing folders on the documents page portal component (GA - Config)  ▶️

When configuring the documents page portal component the user now has the option to show subfolders along with the parent folder, or only the parent folder, or selected subfolders. If some folders in a hierarchy are skipped in the configuration, these will not be displayed on the portal page, instead the subfolder will be shown as attached directly to the parent folder, even if there are layers of folders in between.

Importing users in bulk now includes the option of additional fields (GA)  ▶️

When bulk importing users, all fields in the Users table can now be matched against a spreadsheet record, not just required fields. Any record in a spreadsheet that contains unmatchable data in a required field will be skipped, and a warning will be shown to the user in the import dialog.

Resize the media player (GA)

The transcript viewer has been improved to allow individual users to resize the media player when this is undocked from the right hand side annotations panel.

Dependencies from the parent record now allowed in subtypes (GA - Config)

When configuring a worksheet with subtypes, administrators can use fields from the parent worksheet to be a dependency in subtype records, to allow for an easier flow of data between worksheets and subtypes.

Default currency option for projects (GA - Config)  ▶️

The project settings page has a new option to define a default currency for a project or template. If this is set up, when a currency field is configured for a worksheet this currency will be made the default. This can be manually changed at any time. If data has been entered and set to a specific currency, if this currency type is later changed or removed, the data will not change and the original currency will remain the type of the existing data, but it will not be made available for new data.

OCR default setting on upload now 'if required' (GA)  ▶️

Following client feedback, the default setting for OCR when uploading files to Opus 2 has been changed to 'if required'. The uploader now looks at the filetype and file data to determine whether it needs to run and OCR process on the file during ingestion. If the file is of a type that already contains a text layer, OCR will be skipped.

Ability to download transcripts as a pdf file (GA)  ▶️

An improvement has been implemented to allow users to download transcript files as a 'clean' pdf file, without annotations or highlights, to mirror the behaviour available for documents. 

Exporting title cards on video clip (GA - Config)  ▶️

When exporting video clips, the user now has the option of including a title card for the export.

Search result counts (GA)

If a search result contains more than 1000 hits, this is now indicated with a '1000+' count. Previously this number would only display '1000' which could lead to confusion. The number of actual results displayed on the page remains 1000, to avoid data loading complications.

Warning given for exports where the path length exceeds 220 characters (GA)

When exporting a document set as multiple files and electing to retain the folder structure of the export, the export path length is determined by the Folder names in the Opus 2 project. The Windows operating system does not allow for path lengths above 250 characters, and so a warning is given if the path name of the export is getting close to that limit. The user is still able to complete the export if desired.

Improvements to autolinking exhibits (GA)  ▶️

The exhibit linker tool would previously only work with .lef files but has now been improved to work with all transcript types.

Timezone display option for document metadata (GA)

Any project with a metadata property of type 'date and time' applied to the documents page now has a drop down display option in the top right-hand corner, allowing the user to set the timezone display. Options available are 'As entered', 'Local timezone' or 'Universal time'.


  • MDB Transcript importer identifying incorrect starting page
  • MPG Transcript clips not exporting
  • Users imported with MFA authentication incorrectly labelled as SSO users
  • Wrong page number saved for transcript range if the transcript set to start with a page other than 1
  • Unable to unlock user accounts that have locked due to inactivity
  • User activity page pagination not working
  • User activity page displays file and object IDs rather than names