The News page in the Project settings panel can be used to create news items related to the project. Only users with the correct permissions can access and modify items in the project settings panel.

News items created in the News page can be displayed in project dashboard (using the project dashboard widget “News feed”) and in portals (via the component “News”).

The News page contains a table with the following fields. These fields are filled by the user while creating/ adding the news item.


Field name



Title or headline 


Main body of content. This field supports up to 1000 characters.


Internal or external hyperlink added by the user. This is an optional field while adding a news item.


By default it takes the date in which the news is created. User can change this date. This is especially useful if the user want to display upcoming events.


This field displays the following icons depends on if the news is published or not

published_yes.png: The news is published. The news will be visible to users in project dashboard and portals if the news feed widget and news components are used respectively.

published_not.png: The news is not published hence it is not visible to users.

A user can perform the following actions in the News page.

Add news

The add.pngbutton allows to create a news with the following fields.

  • Heading

  • Text

  • url

  • Date

  • Publish: Toggle option to decide if the news need to be published or not


The Edit option can be accessed from either the Actions button or from the right-hand panel. User can edit all the fields in the news item.


The Delete option within the Actions menu deletes the news from the table. Performing this action will automatically remove the news from dashboards and portals if enabled.


User can search for a news item using the Find bar.