When the correct permissions are enabled, users can update metadata to reflect the current state of the associated data. There are two types of metadata in Opus 2 Platform: system generated metadata and user generated metadata. Users can apply changes on any user generated metadata fields. Use this link to learn more about metadata fields.

There are three ways to update metadata fields:

Simple edit - Update metadata on a single document:

Simple editing allows users to edit any user defined metadata on a single document. 

  1. Select the document by clicking on the document's row.
  2. The Details Panel will open to the righthand side.
  3. Navigate to the Details tab.
  4. Clicking anywhere in the form will make the user generated information editable.
  5. Edit the information as needed.
  6. Click Save.

Bulk edit - Update identical information across multiple documents:  

Bulk editing allows users to edit multiple metadata fields on more than one document with identical information. 

  1. Use the tic boxes to select the documents.
  2. Click the Actions dropdown.
  3. Select Update.
  4. Select Apply metadata.
  5. The Apply document metadata dialog will appear.
  6. Click the Fields to be updated dropdown.
  7. Select the desired field.
    • Repeat steps 6 and 7 to select multiple fields.
  8. Fill in the relevant information.
  9. Click Apply metadata.
  10. A green pop-up will appear to verify the metadata has been updated.
  11. Click the 'X' in the top right corner or Cancel to exit the dialog box.

Import - Update multiple metadata fields across multiple documents:

Importing metadata allows users to perform a higher scale metadata update. Users can import a file which comprehensively states out the updated metadata. Opus 2 Platform accepts .xls, .xlsx and .csv files. To import metadata click on the Manage button then from the drop down list, select the option Import metadata.

In the table below, we want to update the Bundle ID with different information for each document.

  1. Export the metadata by clicking the Export dropdown.
  2. Select Metadata as spreadsheet.
  3. Open the downloaded spreadsheet.
  4. Edit the desired metadata columns.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Back in the Platform, click the Manage dropdown.
  7. Select Import metadata.
  8. Drag and drop or Browse for the file.
  9. Verify the information is applying to the correct column.
  10. Click Import.
  11. The metadata will be updated.

First row content
This setting should remain as Column headings.
Match on
This is the column in the load file that you are using to match to the document on the platform.
Match all
Use this option to match across all documents in the Project.
Match only filtered
If you are importing metadata to a small number of documents, or if there is the possibility of duplicate filenames, then you should utilize this option.

Mismatched metadata information:

If the Platform failed to match Excel column with a verified metadata field, the dropdown will show "Ignore" and no information will be updated for that field.

  1. Click the dropdown under the desired column.
  2. Select the appropriate metadata field.
  3. Click Import.