Users can attach external links to the portal, such as other web pages in portal and other web resources. 

Attach portal page

Users have the following options to configure the component when creating a link to a portal page:

TitleThe title text of the 'link' component. It can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Link destinationUsers can choose the link destination from portal page, external URL and unset.
Link locationThis will appear when 'portal page' option is selected. Users can select the portal page that wish to link to. Portal page has to be created in the platform in order to be presented as an option. 
Link formatButton format can display as the following options: as a button, a large button, a card or an image.
Link background colorA background color to the text block can be chosen from either the theme background, white, site's primary or secondary color; or a custom color chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
IconThe icon that represents the section.
Description The description of the link that presents on the card view.

Link location 

If ‘portal page’ was chosen in ‘link destination’, a ‘link location’ tab will appear next to the ‘properties’ tab. It shows the portal page that has been linked to this ‘link component’. Users can click on ‘add existing page’ to add other portal pages that are created in the main portal builder; or click on ‘create new page’ to create a new portal page that wish to link to.

Add existing PageUsers can browse the pages that have already been created in the portal builder. There is a 'Find' option to search for page in the portal builder that have been named. The 'T' icon in the right corner will provide a list of the named pages to view the pages only by their name. The icon to the right of this will display the page as a grid of cards.

Users can link a page to multiple portal pages to display more information to portal users.

Create new PageUsers can create a new page by filling in the following information: page title, page name and URL slug that links to the page.

Attach External URL

Users have the following options to configure the component when creating a link to an external URL:

TitleThe title text of the 'link' component. It can be a maximum of 100 characters. 
Link destinationUsers can choose the link destination from portal page, external URL and unset.
External URLThis will appear when 'external URL' option is selected. Users can type in the website URL that wish to be linked to.
Text to displayThe text that describes the external URL. 
Link formatButton format can display as the following options: as a button, a large button, a card or an image.
Link background colorA background color to the text block can be chosen from either the theme background, white, site's primary or secondary color; or a custom color chosen from a color wheel, hexadecimal or RGB code.
IconThe icon that represents the section.
Content alignmentThe distribution of space between and around content can be chosen from left, centered or right.

Display example of 'link' component: