In your project you will be able to add responses to your designations on to your transcript.

Complete the following steps:

  1. In your project navigate to Designations.

  2. In the toolbar choose Manage and select Import items from the list. The Designations import dialog opens.

  3. Drag and drop the spreadsheet into the dialog.

    You can also click Browse for files to explore your local computer, network or external media.

    The Designations import dialog will expand with the information from the spreadsheet.

    The columns in orange must be present in your spreadsheet for designations to properly import. 
    The non-highlighted columns are optional and may be mapped to your corresponding designation fields.

  4. The Opus ID column is used to match the incoming designation with the appropriate corresponding transcript in the case. Each transcript/document have a unique identifier (opus-id) created for them at the time of upload. This Opus ID must be correct to the Opus ID on the appropriate transcript. 

    1. This column must be set to “Designation: Opus ID” in the import dialog window as shown below. The other mandatory columns must be set appropriately as well.

  5. Select the appropriate import behaviour:

    • Create and update (Create new designations and update existing)

    • Create (Only create new designations)

    • Update (Only update existing designations)

      The columns that are ticked will show the columns that match between the current worksheet and the imported spreadsheet.
      If the spreadsheet does not have a header row change the First row content to Data.
      Map the Opus ID and page line fields to the corresponding fields prefixed with "Designations".
      The table will display the information that will be imported into your designation worksheet. Only columns with a tick at the top will be included. The fields under these columns will be checked using the following criteria:
          Blue background – These fields will be added.
          Orange background and text – These fields will only be partially added as only a part of the field has matched.
          Red background and text – These fields will not be added as the formats do not match
  6. Click on Import to complete the process.