Within the project settings, project administrators can perform several tasks relating to the management of the project.

To access the project settings:

  1. Open the project from the System dashboard or from the Project directory. 
  2. From the project name drop down select Project settings.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated



Project administrators can modify the project settings from the settings tab. There are 5 major fields administrators can control : About, Terms and Conditions, Watermark, Default settings, and Content. 

  • Changing the project About information including:
    1. Name
    2. Shortcode
    3. Project reference
    4. Matter number
    5. Description
    6. Icon and color
  • Creating terms and conditions for project access
    1. A rich text editing dialog box is available to administrators to establish terms of access for users. A radio button at the bottom of the dialog allows administrators to require acceptance of the terms before users may access the project.
  • Creating watermarks for documents and exports
    1. Text based watermarks can be created and displayed on documents viewed in the platform. Watermarks can also be created on all documents exported from the platform.
  • Modifying project default settings
    1. Set rules governing whether new content to the project is accessible to all users or only the creator/uploader of the content. 
  • Limiting maximum allowable file sizes
  • Adding and deleting users (reference Add users to a project) from the project
  • Creating groups and assigning project roles (reference Assigning Project Roles to Users and Groups
  • Archiving or deleting the project (reference Archiving a Project)
  • Exporting autolinks and manual links
  • Publishing or storing news which can be displayed via a widget in the project dashboard(s)