Release types

  • (GA) - The feature is Generally Available and visible in the product to users (depending on their role).  
  • (GA – config) - The feature is Generally Available, but templates and existing projects must be configured before it can be put to use.
  • (GA – feature) - The feature is Generally Available, but only if switched on by an Opus 2 operator. Only some solutions are expected to use the feature. Commercial add-ons also come under this category and will only be enabled for clients who have purchased them.
  • (GA – feature and config) – The feature is Generally Available but only if switched on by an Opus 2 operator. Only some solutions are expected to use the feature. Once switched on, it will require configuration of the template and existing projects before the feature can be used.


Warning when attempting to export single pdf exceeding 1.5GB (GA)

Users who attempt to export documents in single pdf format where the resulting file exceeds 1.5GB will be prompted to create export the requested documents as a .zip folder instead. Exported .zip folders can be up to 3.5GB in size.

New capability: 'Create projects' (GA)

When configuring user roles, the ability to create new projects is now available as a separate capability. User roles who have this capability will be able to see the 'create project' button on the global dashboard.

Alphabetical sorting and find filter available when adding data to a 'User' or 'Multiple users' field type (GA)

When data of type 'User' or 'Multiple users' is added to a record, the list of available options can now be sorted alphabetically. It is also possible to look for specific user names using a text string filter. This makes it easier to add users to a record where the project contains large numbers of users to pick from a list.

Export subtypes in card format (GA)

Worksheets that have been configured with a subtype can now choose the subtype from the 'export as cards' option. This will export all subrecords that have been linked to records in the parent worksheet.

New tab for uploading media in the transcript upload dialog (GA)

The transcript upload dialog has changed to feature media uploads in a separate tab, rather than as a drag and drop option below the main transcript. This allows for better visibility of the transcript during upload. If no corresponding media is available the tab can be ignored and the transcript can still be uploaded.

Ability to export transcripts with captions (GA)

Projects containing transcripts with synchronised media now have the ability to export media files with captions. The export drop-down menu contains a new option: Export media with captions. Currently, only complete media files can be exported with captions.

New capability: 'manage subfolders' (GA)

The ability to create and manage folders has been split in to two capabilities by the addition of a 'manage subfolders' capability. This restricts users from creating new top-level folders, but they can create subfolders. This allows for better user management in situations where administrators need users to manage folders and document uploads within a specific branch, but not for a whole project.

Set default view for groups (GA - config)

If multiple views have been created for a worksheet, it is now possible to set the default view to be different for selected groups. This allows administrators to create a better user experience for different users that may have specific requirements from complex worksheets.

Option to export worksheet records in a .pdf file (GA)▶️ 

The 'Export' option for worksheets has a new addition; 'Pdf'. This allows users to export the records in a worksheet as card details in a .pdf file. Any card that has been configured for the worksheet can be used for the export. The resulting export has links back to each document in the Opus 2 project to make it easy to quickly find any relevant documents.


  • Links not loading in the documents details for projects where there are 10+ links
  • Unable to assign an owner to a project
  • Inconsistencies with the 'rotate' option when managing document pages
  • Import checkboxes change when scrolling up and down the import dialog
  • Problems with duplicate Opus-id
  • Access control icons disappearing from folders
  • Improved handling of .mdb transcript imports if page/line index not in chronological order
  • Unable to bulk edit worksheets containing required fields
  • Cannot save changes to transcript highlights when editing
  • Exporting designations to Word fails if there are deleted tags