You can save search queries generated on the Search page, enabling you to rerun the search whenever you revisit the page, without the need to recreate it each time.

Saving a Search

Step 1: Create the search you wish to save to run again later.

Step 2: Click the 'Save' button next to the search bar to open the drop-down and give the search a name, and choose who can access the search.

Step 3: Click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the drop-down box and you will see a green confirmation appear. 

The save option saves the terms and parameters set in the search allowing you to look for the same terms each time. It does not save the list of results.

Recovering a Saved Search

Step 1: From the 'Search' page, click the 'Load' button to bring up a list of saved searches to load. If you have many saved searches you can use the filter to jump to the desired search by typing in its name.

Step 2: Select the search you wish to load from the list. Then click on the 'Search' button to run the search.

You can delete any saved searches that you no longer need by selecting the cross icon next to the saved search within the 'Load' drop-down